How to make money on Adsterra

How to earn on Adsterra platform without a website

Adsterra  is one of the Ad platforms run on a website or blog to earn returns from clicks. Asides Google Ads, Adsterra remains one of the most used and sought after Ad platforms on blogs and websites. 


Initially, it was introduced to serve as a means of Ad platform for publishers to earn return per clicks on their websites. 


Going forward, to make usage easier, and gain more visibility, many other services on the Adsterra platform were introduced, to be used whether you have a running webisite/blog or not. 


In this article, we will be looking at the two major ways to earn on Adsterra  platform without you needing a website or blog. 

How to earn on Adsterra without a blog

As said earlier, you can earn on Adsterra platform without you needing a website or blog, and it works perfectly well as they have been tried on many occasions. 


The following are ways to earn on Adsterra platform without blogs or websites :

  1. Affiliate programs 
  2. Direct link 

Affiliate / Referral Program 

In our previous article, we discussed extensively on how to register on Adsterra platform as a publisher to earn through clicks on your blogs and websites, in case you missed it, check here


To start as an affiliate marketer to Adsterra, visit their site and register through here


Once you are there, register with your Gmail account and through their dashboard, go to the affiliate / referral programs and activate it. 

Once activated, a referral link will be sent to you which others can be able to access them through your link. 

How to use Adsterra referral /affiliate program 

The Affiliate program on Adsterra remains one of the best affiliate programs as it gives $0.50 per referral, one of the platforms paying so high per referral. 

  • Log on to your Adsterra account, navigate through their dashboard abd click on referral link. 
  • Copy the link on your refderal program section and paste on your social medial handles like Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. 
  • Once people click on the link which takes them to Adsterra site, and register, you earn $0.50 per referral. 


Adsterra Direct link 

Adsterra Direct link program is one of the easiest ways to earn returns on their platform. Similar to the referral/affiliate program, a code (more of a link) is sent to you where people can reach them through the link. 


To start using Adsterra Direct link, you need to register with Adsterra through this link


After registration, with your Gmail account, the link will be sent to you via your Gmail account, which be activated once the link has been sent. 

How to use direct link without blog or website 

Interesting thing about Adsterra as said earlier is the fact that you can from Adsterra without you needing a website or blog. 


After the link has been sent to you through your Gmail account, the link is what you need to be posting across your social media handles or where people can learn or know more about Adsterra through your link. 

  • Log on to Adsterra site through your sign in details 
  • Copy your link/code sent to your gamil account and paste on your social media handles like Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. 
  • Once people click on the link, it takes them direct to the Adsterra site. This is where it gets interesting, unlike the affiliate program, people don’t need to register before you earn with your direct link. 


Once people click on the link, it takes them to Adsterra  site straight though your assigned link sent to you. 


From the above discussion, earning on Adsterra without a blog or website is possible and achievable. 


All you need to do is follow the above steps and start earning with ease on Adsterra. 


If you encounter any problem regarding signing up or practicing any of the steps, our team is more than ready to asist you. 


Pamilerin Ajala

Pamilerin Adetunji Ajala is a competent content writer with vast knowledge in content management, web development and graphics design. He studied Computer Engineering at Federal Polytechnic, Ede.